Sweets & Treats Gallery

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm smack dab in the middle of trying to surround myself with things I really love. I was cursed, however, with the "someday," or the "you might be able to use it when" gene. You know, the inability to get rid of something because what if I lose weight or if it comes back in style or if I'd be able to make use of it someday

Here's the thing, by having all these superfluous things that I don't really love, I am taking away from the things I truly love. I make it a routine to go through every drawer/cabinet/closet every couple of months to cull out things I don't truly love. The beauty in this is that every couple months, I love certain things a little less and others even more. What I can't part with today, I might part with in a month and what I love, I take time to appreciate. It works for me. I keep a wicker basket (my Momma's old laundry basket that I made my blanket basket in college, aw!) tucked away where I can store those items that I am thinking about donating. I wait until its full. Then I go through it one more time before donating the contents. I usually put back a few things that I'm not ready to give. But ultimately, I'm able to donate many nice items to the Cancer Society where they are sold to raise money for the cause. It's truly a win-win. I feel freer being free of these things and I feel good for helping the Cancer Society in its search for the cure, no matter how small my part.

That brings me to the topic: collecting. I was born a collector. I got that gene. My Momma says, "Three of anything is a collection." I think this is an excuse to need at least three of everything.

What is it about collections? I think it is an essential part of human existence. For me, my collections give me comfort in my space, purpose when I shop and create and tell the story of who I am. I like to think I'm non-materialistic. But collections are inherent human value on material goods. So, I suppose I am. I like the memory of that things hold and the beauty of pre-owned things, hence my shabby chic style.

Collections are comforting. They help to create a home that is familiar and meaningful. I like collections!

Yours always in threes,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sweet Vanilla Bean,
    I too am a collector. I love & surround myself with vintage things. It takes me back to a gentle time when things were slower and etiquette & good manners were in style and Sunday was the Sabbath day and we honored that day.... we went to church and spent the rest of the day with our families. I knew everyone in my little town and everyone knew me. Potlucks consisted of homemade food... no one dared bring something "store bought"... and recipe exchanges were a definite!!! at the end of every potluck! Ok... got off track a bit.... I love collecting for lots of reasons... I love the thrill of the hunt and I love the fun that I share with my daughter who is now also a collector and also my husband who loves to collect too. I get a lot of pleasure when I look at a recent treasure that I picked up, just thinking about the fun I had finding it and who I was with. Thanks for your devotion to this subject.... I enjoyed reading it. I love your blog and pop in often to take a peak!


Leave Sweet Bean Some Love!