Sweets & Treats Gallery

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

100 things about me...

1. I like staying up late and making good use of my best hours.
2. I love iced coffee... flavored, sweetened, with lots of organic non-fat milk.
3. I am blessed to have two parents whom I adore, respect, and enjoy spending time with.
4. I love my fiance.  He is so handsome, nurturing, interesting, creative, smart, fun, fair, unique, funny, talented and wonderful!  I can't wait to be married to him!
5. I love Mexican food.
6. I also love Vietnamese and Japanese food.
7. I love to bake.
8. I did pretty well in school.
9. I've got spunk and spirit.  I like that about myself.
10. I love God.  I have faith in this country.  I'm proud to be an American.
11. I've considered a career in politics.
12. I enjoy public speaking. 
13. I am passionate about leadership!
14. I might want to be a teacher some day.
15. I miss my Grandfathers.
16. Godiva is my favorite chocolate.
17. I love pink.
18. I collect antiques.
19. I like scrapbooking.
20. I like to make jewelry.
21. I love giving gifts.
22. I love to organize!
23. I take a ton of nutritional supplements/vitamins.
24. I love the autumn. 
25. I love to decorate.
26. I love the rain.
27. I love Christmastime.
28. I like to send people mail.
29. My favorite city is Boston.
30. I have a difficult time finding pants that are long enough for me.
31. When given the choice, I will always have dessert after dinner.
32. I love diet Dr. Pepper.
33. I love pumpkins.
34. I prefer cold weather.
35. I like to cuddle.
36. I am very blunt.
37. I clean when I'm stressed.
38. I don't love working out.
39. I heart cupcakes.
40. I have a charm bracelet from my childhood.
41. I like gum.
42. I love champagne.
43. I like my boss.
44. I like my coworkers.
45. I clip coupons.
46. I like to make lists for everything.  
47. I literally can't go anywhere without my planner.
48. I usually have more than one Christmas tree.
49. I feel security in having a stocked pantry.
50. I want a laptop.
51. I like make-up.
52. I use to raise sheep.
53. I'm a dog person.
54. I like playing sports.
55. I have a sharp tongue that I rarely hold.
56. I am fiercely protective my family.
57. I like bath fizzies.  
58. I like candles that smell like baked goods.
59. My closet is organized by color.
60. I like bags & purses.
61.I'm allergic to cats.
62. I like to journal.
63. I love photos.
64. I like floral patterns.
65. I like checking my mail everyday.
66. I like love songs.
67. I am part Native American.
68. I use to go to Disneyland every summer with my Grandparents.
69. I don't like or watch scary movies.
70. I collect vases.
71. I regularly donate used items, money and/or time to charities.
72. My best friend and I share the same name with different spellings.
73. I try to live a life of integrity.
74. I still need my parents.  I think they still need me to need them...
75. I have very few regrets about my life.
76. Cancer annoys me.
77. I still travel with my high school basketball duffel bag.
78. I like pens, markers, pencils, crayons, etc. 
79. I like snack foods.
80. My dad is the best cook.
81. I enjoy natural light and soft background noise.
82. I like sleeping in and laying in bed looking out of the window for as long as it takes to get out of bed... especially when its raining.
83. I really enjoy going to weddings.
84. I save letters people mail me... I'm sooo sentimental.
85. I have a good sense of humor.
86. I like the ocean.
87. Growing up I collected rocks, marbles, coins, sea shells, candy.
88. If I'm not out of control busy, I'm bored.
89. I like stimulating conversation.
90. I like the elderly.
91. I like the TV series Pushing Daisies.  It is so charming, weird and sweet.
92. I value Veterans!
93. I LOVE fresh fruit.
94. I really like to entertain.
95. I cry easily.
96. I like calendars.  I have five in my cubicle at work.
97. I have three magazine subscriptions.
98. I feel blessed... for so much!
99. I like fresh flowers.
100. I love life!!!


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