Sweets & Treats Gallery

Friday, July 24, 2009

a little stroll...

Nothing major to blog about today. Just a typical Friday... chomping at the bit to be outta here, especially because it is so nice outside.

J & I took a nice leisurely stroll to the market near our home. It was our first of many walks to come. We talked about how we'll take the dog for a walk, when we get one (CAN HARDLY WAIT UNTIL WE HAVE DOGGY!!!). We rented a Red Box movie, got some snacks and vegged out. It was bliss! Don't ever take forgranted the time you have with your partner. I only see J about 10 hours a week because of our conflicting work schedules. Our time together yesterday was a real treat!!

Happy weekend!

Hugs & Squeezes,

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