Sweets & Treats Gallery

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

starting with the end in mind...

For this post, I'd like to start with the end in mind, but at the very beginning.
That's my oldest/lonegest friend, Amy, on the far right. Here she is with Joe and Stephanie, friends we met at the concert from Michigan, leaving the Dave Matthews Band concert on Friday night. We were literally jumping for joy because the concert was sooo good! DMB played for nearly three hours. Amy had an emotional moment and we both had a blast.

This is Amy shortly before the end of the show. Look at my beautiful friend, glowing as bright as the stage behind her. She is a one-of-a-kind lady: full of life, love and gratitude! She makes everything fun!

This is Dave playing Some Devil. It was magical.

This is a pretty shot of Dave performing. It's a little blurry, but still beautiful. Amy and I are slightly obsessed with Dave's quirky cuteness! I remember singing DMB songs in middle school, belting out lyrics for emotions we had yet to experience. And as life went on, DMB's lyrics started to mean more and accompany us through heart break, loss of life, carefree days and times when we were, as always, too mature for our age!
 All night I kept making Amy do "artsy fartsy" poses while I captured the moment. I'll save all of those photos for my own personal delight. But this was a DMB artsy fartsy shot and I love how it turned out, blurs and all!
This was the first Dave sighting. Like always, he came out to introduce the opening act, who was also awesome! It's kind of ridiculous that a grown, married woman is such a school girl for a man she's never met... I heart DM!

This is Amy Marie. I have known her since I was 2. She is more like a sister than a friend. What I like best about Amy is that she is true to herself. She doesn't try to be someone else. And by being 100% herself, she allows others to be themselves. If only everyone had an Amy in their life...

These are the super classy peach belinis we made in the parking lot of the concert after a stop into a gas station convenience store. They were yummy. Sipping a belini pre-concert made me feel like an adult. Sometimes I get glimpses of my young self wishing for adulthood because it looked so cool. Drinking peach belinis before a concert, having slumber parties with my husband, staying up late, watching a movie on a week night... all childhood fantasies come true!
These are our fancy tickets! Oooh la la!
Belini supplies and a thumbs up!
My cute driver and concert companion!
And finally, we're back to the beginning. Thank you, Amy Marie, for being a thoughtful, generous, loyal friend for over 25 years! I wouldn't be who I am without you, sister!

Sweet Bean

1 comment:

  1. awe... if I wasn't at work I would be blubbering away right now. You are so sweet LBCP, and always say such sincerely nice things about me. I love you to pieces!!!


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