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Monday, November 18, 2013

friend makin' mondays...

I happened upon a new blog recently that a friend follows, and I've always enjoyed her Friend Makin’ Mondays (FMM) posts, but the Marriage Mechanic & has his weekly Monday posts, so I haven't participated.  I figured that I would today, and we might also have an MMM post too!  So here it goes:
friend makin mondays

fMm RuLeS:
-Answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers.
-Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen.
-The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

1.  What are you plans for Thanksgiving this year?
I am lucky enough to have married into a family with different cultural traditions than those I grew up with. At first, these new traditions meant I was leaving mine behind. But over the last ten years, my husband and I have managed to figure out a beautiful blend of both our worlds that works well! We spend Thanksgiving with his family at his parents' house where all his family piles in for a mostly Asian dinner. His dad always makes a delicious turkey too, and my sweet sister-in-law brings those tube crescent rolls just for me because she knows I love them. It's a loud, busy afternoon of eating and more eating. There's no formality or tradition other than being together as a family! Sometimes we play a card game or bingo too... but mostly we laugh, and drink and eat! Friday is the day we celebrate with my family. My family has accommodated my husband's family traditions by celebrating most things a day later. So we have a more traditional, quieter Thanksgiving on Friday with all those classic Thanksgiving foods I love so much!  Each celebration is very different, but the intention is the same: gratitude for blessings and family... and I wouldn't trade either for the world!

2.  At what point do you being celebrating the Christmas season?
NOW! My trees have been up since November 1. I've been listening to Christmas music since around then too! Each night I snuggle in bed with my Christmas jammies (which I wait to wear all year), my pup, a cup of decaf candy cane tea, and a good Christmas movie. And I start every morning with a hot cocoa!  This weekend I wrapped all my Christmas presents, and party favors for a small gathering of girl friends I have each winter. I love this time of year! And I really dislike those pretentious people who make a big stink about waiting til after Thanksgiving to do anything Christmas. Shush, you! Do your own thing and mind your business.  Stop judging me, bro!

3.  Do you celebrate Christmas, or do you celebrate another holiday?
I celebrate, with complete joy and adoration, the birth of our savior, and the King of angels: Jesus' birth. CHRISTMAS!

4.  If you could have one present (you know, a material good, not love or world peace) what would you want?
Hmmm...I have, for years, been wanting a nice, fancy digital camera. Because they are so expensive, it's one of those not-this-year-maybe-next-year kind of gifts. And that's okay, because it'll probably be on my Christmas list next year too! Hubs and I have decided on other projects around the house this year, and that money has already been spent.

5.  Share an idea or two that you can plan to do for someone who may need to feel loved throughout the holiday season
Go to Pinterest and search for ideas of Random Acts of Christmas Kindness (RACK)! There are countless ways to spread cheer.  You can also see a few ideas on my Pinterest board dedicated to RACK here. Last year, I did one random act for each year of my life on my birthday! My amazing momma helped with the elfing! It was a really special way to kick of the season, and celebrate my birthday. And I am grateful that I was raised with parents who've always modeled generosity and charity of spirit for those in need, year-round!

6.  Would you rather spend the holiday season on the beach or in the snow?
Although I loathe driving in the snow, like, so, so much, I do love being in a cozy cabin with comfort foods and a warm blankie and jammies and hot cocoa when there's snow all around outside. And I even like snow activities... again, just not driving in it!

7. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Almost everything my parents make for Thanksgiving... even the green bean casserole and those canned crescent rolls. It's all good, and it's the one time I can't get enough of leftovers!

 8.  Will you participate in Black Friday shopping?
No. I think it is ridiculous! There is no deal I want that bad to deal with fanatical people and long lines. No judging for those who love the day and approach it like a sport... it's just totally NOT my thing.

9.  Will you travel for the holidays or stay at home?  If you’re traveling, are you flying or driving or making alternate plans?
We are traveling for the holidays, but we're lucky enough to only go by car because everyone is pretty close by!

10.  List at least 5 things for which you are currently thankful.
  1.  My maker! In the last few weeks, I have struggled with some pretty challenging and sad stuff. I am in full gratitude mode for all my blessings, because He helps me heal by giving me peace and comfort, and showing me my blessings... I can't be desperately sad anymore or cry anymore, so I have to be grateful to heal, and busy (hence my full blown stay-busy-with-operation-get-ready-for-Christmas-mode!).
  2. My husband! We often talk about how your true measure in your marriage isn't how you act or treat your spouse when things are good.  It's when things are bad that you see your true depth as a partner. My husband is one amazing man! He has been my rock through all my "stuff," and I thank God for him everyday! I don't know where I would be without him, and he's more than shown me what he's made of when times are tough.  If I had it all to do over again, I would sprint down the aisle to marry that man, not giving him even a split second to change his mind! He's my perfectly imperfect match and I love him so much!
  3. My pup! This is so obvious if you know me at all, but she is my second rock! She gives me purpose, and structure. She is my little fur baby and reminds me daily to rest more, play more and exercise more (there is irony in that order). I love her morning snuggles, and even that she steals socks and scatters them around the house. She has helped J & I get through so many difficult times, and given our marriage so much purpose!
  4. My family and friends! Gosh, I am so blessed! I have AMAZING parents! AMAZING! And my three closest girlfriends: Lynsey, Amy and Sarah! But also other close friends and Jason's friends too! Our cup runneth over with all the people we love and value, and who support/tolerate us! We are so, so blessed!
  5. My cozy little home. It is my sanctuary! I love cleaning it and decorating it and living in it!
Thanks for reading this and other posts! Our readership has soared in the last few months, and we are beyond grateful for your support!!

Happy Monday!


1 comment:

  1. i am always on alltheweigh's site and occasionally do the FMM's too!! :-) I always love when you have a new post.


Leave Sweet Bean Some Love!