Sweets & Treats Gallery

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm smack dab in the middle of trying to surround myself with things I really love. I was cursed, however, with the "someday," or the "you might be able to use it when" gene. You know, the inability to get rid of something because what if I lose weight or if it comes back in style or if I'd be able to make use of it someday

Here's the thing, by having all these superfluous things that I don't really love, I am taking away from the things I truly love. I make it a routine to go through every drawer/cabinet/closet every couple of months to cull out things I don't truly love. The beauty in this is that every couple months, I love certain things a little less and others even more. What I can't part with today, I might part with in a month and what I love, I take time to appreciate. It works for me. I keep a wicker basket (my Momma's old laundry basket that I made my blanket basket in college, aw!) tucked away where I can store those items that I am thinking about donating. I wait until its full. Then I go through it one more time before donating the contents. I usually put back a few things that I'm not ready to give. But ultimately, I'm able to donate many nice items to the Cancer Society where they are sold to raise money for the cause. It's truly a win-win. I feel freer being free of these things and I feel good for helping the Cancer Society in its search for the cure, no matter how small my part.

That brings me to the topic: collecting. I was born a collector. I got that gene. My Momma says, "Three of anything is a collection." I think this is an excuse to need at least three of everything.

What is it about collections? I think it is an essential part of human existence. For me, my collections give me comfort in my space, purpose when I shop and create and tell the story of who I am. I like to think I'm non-materialistic. But collections are inherent human value on material goods. So, I suppose I am. I like the memory of that things hold and the beauty of pre-owned things, hence my shabby chic style.

Collections are comforting. They help to create a home that is familiar and meaningful. I like collections!

Yours always in threes,

Monday, August 11, 2008

oh, that fresh tomato smell...

I love the smell of tomato vines--the alluringly organic, fresh and pungent smell of the green vines and leaves make up one of nature's most intoxicating and beautiful summer-time luxuries: home grown tomatoes!
Tomatoes bring to mind produce a great recipe for a veggie rinse I use on my produce. Here's my recipe:

Equal parts water and distilled white vinegar, about 1 cup
1 1/2 tablespoons baking soda
20-25 drops grapefruit seed extract

Combine water and vinegar in a spray bottle with a pump. I like to use a recycled bottle from a mild green cleanser well washed. Carefully add the baking soda. Next, drop in the GSE. Gently swirl the bottle to mix the ingredients. Because of the baking soda, the mixture could bubble over. Spray mixture on produce, and let it sit on the produce for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse off the spray and enjoy! You may notice the slight smell of vinegar on your produce. I have not noticed any interference with taste.

Hope you're enjoying some fresh summer produce!


Saturday, August 09, 2008

sweet lil' shout out...

Guess what!?! I got a shout out  from Analise on her blog Sugar*Sugar!!! She is a wonderfully accommodating and talented artist I found on Etsy! I seriously could buy everything in her shop and I have a feeling I will continue to buy more things in the future. She and I have similar taste. 

Thanks for the mention Analise. And thanks for the fabulous addition to the Sweets N' Treats party! You're wonderful! 


Friday, August 08, 2008

life is worth living...

I love to live life and I love to feel. I'm innately drawn to life affirming things. Feeling something, good or bad, help us feel alive.

It's been over a year since my Grandpa passed away.  And it's nearly eight years since my childhood best friend died under odd and confusing circumstances. I think about them often, especially this week. I've been blessed with so many serendipitous moments. Lucidity, coincidence, miraculous--call it what you will.  I dreamt of both my Grandpa and Jen for many, many months after then each passed.  Sometimes they still stop in to say hello and let me know that are okay.  Still, it hurts to love people who are no long living because you miss them in human form.  Its one of those weird human experiences that we never fully get over.

What's been on my mind most recently? Matt, Liz and Madeline. A friend shared the blog with me. Its here that Matt writes of a phenomenon--people everywhere taking part in his grieving, checking his blog at their place of work... For two days, I have been the woman reading through entries, crying, grieving, holding my heart tightly, saying silent prayers, shedding tears, sniffling (and silently hoping no one will walk by my cube while I'm having a mini break down)

I can't begin to tell you their story.  You'll have to start where I started, at the beginning  and then learn about LizKeep reading. You'll learn about Matt and Madeline, the little girl who lost her momma. You'll fall in love, your heart will break and you will be called to do something, because you'd hope others would do the same for you if you were Matt and Madeline, even if its read all the back-blog entries, cry and pray that Matt can make it through another day...

I suppose the message of all of my ramblings is: life is so, so precious

I've worked hard to tell those around me what I think and feel, for better or worse, but especially when its positive. I try to live honestly and do the right thing. I try to live. Lord knows I'm not even close to perfect... but I work hard at being my best. You don't know what life will throw at you or how the roads unexpectedly fork. Liz certainly hadn't planned to depart from her brand new baby and her happy marriage.  It sounds like she really lived the life she had.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

sweets n' treats party...

All my extra time and creative energy lately was used to plan an early surprise “Sweets N’ Treats” tea birthday party for my momma. Hours of planning the perfect guest list, favors, invitations, decorations and menu all for a very stunning and successful event!
birthday garland

Sweets N’ Treats with a sub-theme of pink & green 

Of the ten invited guests, eight were able to attend. I sent a simple print-yourself-invitation. It had a pink scalloped edge with a pink and green spring bouquet of flowers at the top. Guests were asked to arrive promptly at 5:45 p.m. (not before or after) and to park away from my momma’s home, where I hosted the party. Each dressed, appeasing my bold request, in pinks and greens.

 One table had a sage green table cloth, the other a hunter green. In the center, a cake plate hosted a variety of clear glass jars, vases and candle holders filled with hot pink crepe myrtle blossoms. At each place setting was a gift bag filled with the needed materials for games and the make-it-yourself candy goodie bags with a ribbon to tie for the candy bar. In front of that, a sage green satin box with a custom made French ribbon rose.  Inside each box was a personalized note on the bottom with a doily cupping a dark chocolate raspberry cream, the birthday girl's favorite from See's. Scattered around the table was a punched scalloped paper for guests to sign for a scrapbook I'm making of the event for the birthday girl. Additionally, a "candy bar", adorned with a handmade birthday garland, where guests could sample some of the 20 different pink, green and white candies on display.

I made them myself! We played Tea-ingo, like Bingo, but with tea items instead of letters and numbers and Birthday Girl Quiz where the guests had to answer like they thought the birthday girl would answer.

A gorgeous cake, made to match the invitation (white cake with raspberry filling); Assorted pastries including baklava, fruit tarts, brownies, lemon bars, magic bars and more; Fruit salad (made by Grandma!); Wafer cookies, a favorite of the birthday girl; sweet beverages

We had lots of fun! She was genuinely surprised and tickled pink (pun intended)!


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